Release notes

HumHum HR -release notes offer current information about newest releases, upgrades and functionalities.

Follow the updated relese notes to make sure you are making use of all the newest functionalities. Regular udates are meant to enhance user experience, eliminate any known issues, optimize performance and bring forth new innovations.


  • Release 4.12.2024
  • Changes available in web application
  • Updates to functionalities: Absences and attachments, Messages and Holiday bonus exchange
  • User listings will also show user’s username

The implementation of attachments according to the attachment type

  • The implementation of attachments can be configured based on the type of attachment (sick leave certificates, employment documents, and other attachments).
  • Sick leave certificates always require the reporting of absence periods as well.

Personnel selection guides company selection

  • When creating a new message thread and selecting a person related to the thread, HumHum will attempt to automatically suggest the company associated with the thread.
  • The person selection within the thread does not automatically change the company information.
  • This functionality requires a personnel data integration between the HR system and HumHum.

Save a draft message

  • Unfinished messages are saved as drafts, allowing the writing to be continued later.
  • The message is saved locally on the specific browser, meaning the draft is not accessible on other browsers or devices.

Change to updating handler information

  • The handler of a message thread is updated automatically if the thread initiator has a customer role of HR, Finance, or Technical, or an internal Integrata user role.
  • After sending the message, the handler information can be changed to another handler or removed in the thread settings.

Add a CC recipient to a new thread

  • Customer roles HR, Finance, and Technical, as well as internal Integrata user roles, can add an external CC recipient to a new message thread.
  • The recipient will receive a copy of the thread’s messages via email and can also reply to the messages directly from their email.

Updates to email functionalities

  • A CC email recipient added to a message thread is displayed in the message list as a separate CC icon. The recipient’s details are shown when the cursor hovers over the CC icon.
  • Email recipient receives the entire message thread in their email instead of just the most recent message.
  • Improved attachment handling between HumHum and email recipients.

Supervisor’s company selection

  • A supervisor can select their own company or the companies of their subordinates as the related company for the message thread.

Details of the exchange event

  • The exchange request for holiday bonus has been updated with information about the request status, the number of days off received in the exchange, and the users’ usernames.

Acceptance of multiple exchange requests

  • Holiday bonus exchange requests can be approved in bulk using the “Select multiple” button. The button is displayed when the filters are set to Status = Pending and Type = Holiday bonus exchange.

During week 51 new mobile app updates were released for download: iOS 1.6.4, Android 1.11.6

  • Functional updates
  • More attachment support for messages
  • HTML-based message conversations supported in mobile view
  • With the latest mobile app versions multi-roles for Payments is now available. Earlier user could only be added to Reviewer or Approver role. Now a user can have other role in different company.
  • Functionality was released to web interface with release 2024-12, but became fully available with the mobile update during week 51.


  • Release 18.11.2024
  • Language selection in login screen = User can choose system language before login.
  • New notification settings added for Messages functionality = Conversation re-opened and Mention notifications. Mentions are done by tagging a user or a role with @-character.

Absence editing

  • Manager are now allowed to edit absences before approval.
  • Users can edit own absences if status is returned or send for approval.
  • Edit function available nly in web interface.

Text editor

  • New message text can now be edited by formatting. Pictures can be added amidst text.

Tagging users and roles

  • Use @-character to tag users or roles to messages. Tagged user will receive a separate notification for the mention. A role or a user must have a visibility to conversation fro tagging to be possible.

Own views shown in alphabetical order

  • User’s own views are now shown in alphabetical order.

Message to all team members

  • Manager can use the choose all -option when using team message function.

Messages to CC-receivers

  • An external email address can be added as a CC-receiver. HumHum HR will send any new individual message bubbles to this added email address.

PDF-prints available for customer roles

  • Customer roles can now now use pdf-print funtion inside the message conversation screen.
  • New sorting options are added to Payments view. Options available: Pending, Comleted, Declined, All payments

User employment has ended, absence send for approval not visible for approver

  • Issue fixed = Any absences send for approval are still shown even after the employment has ended.

During week 47 new mobile app updates were released for download: iOS 1.6.3, Android 1.11.3

  • Login with email registration option available for mobile applications. Earlier only Azure AD/Entra ID- credentials were usable with mobile application.
  • Attachement types are possible to be configured so that only the chosen types are shown as options (Sick leavecertificates, employment certificates, other attachemements). Earlier all document types were shown as default.
  • Messages: Long text message scrolling and visibility is now enhanced
  • iOS – Pay slips: Line breaks and header are now optimized


  • Customer roles can now be difined per company or group. User must still have only one payment handler role; Reviewer or Approver
  • Hr-role can now be added the possibility to approve on behalf of managers.
  • Email message categories now support attachments
  • New sorting option in message lists: Company
  • Unwanted columns can be hidden in message list list view


  • Substitute manager can add absences and attachments on behalf of team members from the original managers team.
  • New reminder notification for pending approvals.
  • Real time updating of message conversation view
  • HR-role can modify chosen message category.
  • Customer roles can modify message visibility
  • Managers can be given availability to modify chosen category.
  • Team message functionality added for managers
  • Customer assignee functionality added for messages
  • New information fields: Relates to company or person
  • CC-recipients functionality added for integrata users
  • Message conversation view’s top banner renewed
  • New default sorted messages view added: All solved
  • A previously solved message must be opened again to add a new message to it.


  • Message attachments have more supported file types
  • Message view top header can be minimized.
  • SLA-message categories can be implemented
  • Message conversation visibility optimizations and user experience enhancments added.
  • Preliminary support for email integrations added
  • AI-generated reply options applied for pilot use
  • Internal comment notifications included
  • New reminder notification for users if absence requires an attachment.


  • Several improvements to message list search option. Sorting can be done multi-selections, and list view can be arranged. User can save own sorted views.
  • New customer role: Admin. User can view HumHum HR personnel list, and modify manager substitutes
  • New ESG demo report added to Analytiqs
  • Appearace and sender of notifications has been modified.
Integrata – tietopankki

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